C# – IE8, Flash, and the WinForms WebBrowser Control


I have a WebBrowser control on a Form that is loading a single page with a flash control on it. Since upgrading to IE8 it no longer works. Every time I open my form I get a prompt to install Flash. No matter what I choose to do from there Flash will not start, so my page is busted. Any clues on how to get Flash to work in IE when it is running as an embedded control?

If I navigate to this page in IE8 outside my app the page works fine.

Best Answer

You can host the Flash ActiveX control in your WinForms app directly instead of using a browser control. We do this in our app and it works. Has a few quirks like ESC in full-screen mode doesn't actually exit full screen, but for most part works.

There's also an API (but poorly documented) for communicating between the SWF and the WinForms app. We haven't used it ourselves though.

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