C# Image.Clone Out of Memory Exception


Why am I getting an out of memory exception?

So this dies in C# on the first time through:

splitBitmaps.Add(neededImage.Clone(rectDimensions, neededImage.PixelFormat));

Where splitBitmaps is a List<BitMap> BUT this works in VB for at least 4 iterations:

arlSplitBitmaps.Add(Image.Clone(rectDimensions, Image.PixelFormat))

Where arlSplitBitmaps is a simple array list. (And yes I've tried arraylist in c#)

This is the fullsection:

for (Int32 splitIndex = 0; splitIndex <= numberOfResultingImages - 1; splitIndex++)
  Rectangle rectDimensions;

  if (splitIndex < numberOfResultingImages - 1) 
    rectDimensions = new Rectangle(splitImageWidth * splitIndex, 0, 
      splitImageWidth, splitImageHeight); 
    rectDimensions = new Rectangle(splitImageWidth * splitIndex, 0, 
     sourceImageWidth - (splitImageWidth * splitIndex), splitImageHeight); 

  splitBitmaps.Add(neededImage.Clone(rectDimensions, neededImage.PixelFormat)); 


neededImage is a Bitmap by the way.

I can't find any useful answers on the intarweb, especially not why it works just fine in VB.


I actually found a reason (sort of) for this working but forgot to post it. It has to do with converting the image to a bitmap instead of just trying to clone the raw image if I remember.

Best Answer

Clone() may also throw an Out of memory exception when the coordinates specified in the Rectangle are outside the bounds of the bitmap. It will not clip them automatically for you.