C# – inaccessible due to its protection level


i am displaying version(WrmVersion) value in a listview ,,but here i given one codition
means if version(WrmVersion) is null i am displaying 'None'(ResourcePolicyAvailSystemsLVI.m_nullString="None"),,but now i am getting an error

'Ship.Controls.ResourcePolicySystemsControl.ResourcePolicyAvailSystemsLVI.m_nullString' is inaccessible due to its protection level F:\test\Ship\Controls\ResourcePolicySystemsControl.cs 81 70 Ship.Controls

protected override void OnUpdate()
            string func = "ResourcePolicySystemsLVI.OnUpdate";
               if(Data != null)
                  Text = base.Data.Name;
                  if(SubItems.Count == 1)
                      if (Data.WrmVersion == null)
                     //SubItems.Add(Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Unisys\Single Point Operations Windows Resource Monitor", "CurrentVersion", "0").ToString()); 
                     SubItems[1].Text = ((IResourcePolicy)Data).ResourcePolicyEnabled.ToString();
                     SubItems[2].Text = ((IResourcePolicy)Data).ResourcePolicyCurrent.ToString();

Best Answer

Well, what is the protection level of ResourcePolicyAvailSystemsLVI.m_nullString ? And where is your code in relation? It will be inaccessible if, for example

  • it is private and you're in an unrelated class
  • it is protected and you're not in a subclass
  • it is internal and you're in a different assembly without [InternalsVisibleTo]
  • it is protected internal and both of the two above apply

To be honest, it looks like a field, and fields generally aren't public - so it wouldn't amaze me if somebody has changed the accessibility, perhaps adding a public static property to wrap it - or simply changed the name (although that would give a different error). Try looking for ResourcePolicyAvailSystemsLVI.NullString or similar (in intellisense / object-browser).

Re your comment; you have:

private static string m_nullString =

so just add:

public static string NullString {get {return m_nullString;}}

and change your calling code to use ResourcePolicyAvailSystemsLVI.NullString.