C# – Inconsistent accessibility: field type ‘TagHandler’ is less accessible than field ‘EditTag.tag’


I want to create a form where I can edit a field of my class TagHandler.
So I decided to pass as a paramter to form's constructor TagHandler tag where tag – is a tag I want to edit. In my form I've got a field tag which I edit and then get its data.
For example in my main form I've got a listbox with MouseDoubleClick method

void listBox1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    int index = listBox1.SelectedIndex;
    TagHandler tg = listData[index];

    EditTag edit = new EditTag(tg);
    if (edit.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
        listData[index] = edit.Tag as TagHandler;

Where EditTag is a form

public partial class EditTag : Form
    public TagHandler tag { set; get; }
    public EditTag(TagHandler tag)
        this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
        this.MaximizeBox = false;

        this.tag = tag;
        this.label2.Text = tag.Tag;

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        tag.Data = richTextBox1.Text;
        this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;

But I've got such errors

Inconsistent accessibility: property type 'XmlMissionEditor.TagHandler' is less accessible than property 'XmlMissionEditor.EditTag.tag'

Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type 'XmlMissionEditor.TagHandler' is less accessible than method 'XmlMissionEditor.EditTag.EditTag(XmlMissionEditor.TagHandler)'

What's the problem? I even set tag field as public but it still shows the same error.
My class TagHandler looks like this

class TagHandler
    private string data;
    private string tag;
    private Color color;
    private List<AttributeHandler> attributes;

    public TagHandler(string tag, bool close)
        attributes = new List<AttributeHandler>();
        if (close)
            string s = "/" + tag;
            this.tag = s;
            this.tag = tag;

    public string Tag
        get { return tag; }
        set { tag = value; }

    public string Data
        get { return data; }
        set { data = value; }

    ...other methods


Best Answer

These are the problem:

public TagHandler tag { set; get; }
public EditTag(TagHandler tag)

The latter is a public method in a public class. Therefore all its parameters and its return type should be public too - otherwise you're saying "You can call this, but you can't know about the type you're calling it with" (or what it's returning, if it's the return type that's not public. Likewise the type of the property has to be public.

Either make the constructor and property internal or make the TagHandler type public.