C++ – Initializing member class with non-default constructor


I'm trying to make a gui which has a SimpleWindow class that contains a textPanel class:

class textPanel{
        std::string text_m;

        textPanel(std::string str):text_m(str){}

class SimpleWindow{
        textPanel text_panel_m;

        text_panel_m(std::string temp("default value"))

I want to be able to initialize the text_panel_m using a const char* that gets converted to a std::string without needing to make another constructor that takes a const char*. Should I just create another constructor with const char* as an argument anyway? If I do it this way is there a way to reduce the amount of redundant constructor code using c++0x?

With the approach above I'm having difficulties initializing the text_panel_m member variable. g++ gives me the following error:

simpleWindow.cpp:49: error: expected primary-expression before ‘temp’
simpleWindow.cpp: In member function ‘bool SimpleWindow::drawText(std::string)’:

How do I go about initializing the text_panel_m member variable without using the default constructor?

Best Answer

You're almost there:

        text_panel_m("default value")

Should do the trick, using std::string's implicit converting constructor from const char*.