C# – Is it a good idea of offer to install Framework 3.5


I would like the next update of our C# application to be the last one targeting the 2.0 Framework, and the following one to target framework 3.5. The application will be installed on a share on the client's server and accessed from a load of client machines which will need to have Framework 3.5 installed, hence all the users will receive the update at the same time.

I would like to get some way of pre-installing 3.5 before it is actually needed. My real reason for this, is that the framework install can take a long time and I don't like the idea of everyone being idle and the same time until the installation is complete.

What I was thinking was adding background code in our next update which checks to see if 3.5 is installed and that the DotnetFx35.exe is available and periodically offer to user the chance to install it (maybe by starting \\server\share\dotnetfx35.exe /q /norestart.)

I do not want to force an install via a group policy update as there will be machines that do not run our application and hence will not need the new Framework.

Does anyone have any experience with anything like this and/or any tips before I start experimenting?

Best Answer

This might not be the answer you're want, but its a point worth mentioning, I've had personal experience with the framework 3.5 not installing as it should on certain client machines, and the installer app, doesn't give any feedback on errors.

If you have a lot of client machines, just brace yourself for the possibility that some of these machines will have some install compatibility issues with framework 3.5 and you'll need to check the install logs or event viewer for more information.