C# – Is it possible to get an instance of every class that inherits from an interface


I have a small project that I'm making, and I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to get an instance of every class that inherits from a particular interface.

Here's a simplified example of what I'm trying to accomplish:

public interface IExample
    string Foo();

public class Example1 : IExample
    public string Foo()
        return "I came from Example1 !";

public class Example2 : IExample
    public string Foo()
        return "I came from Example2 !";

//Many more ExampleN's go here

public class ExampleProgram

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var examples = GetExamples();

        foreach (var example in examples)

    public static List<IExample> GetExamples()
        //What goes here?

Is there any way (short of hard-coding it) for the GetExamples method to return a list containing an instance of each class inheriting from the interface IExample? Any insight you can give would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

See: Check if a class is derived from a generic class

Also: Implementations of interface through Reflection (this may be exactly what you want)

You will basically just need to enumerate through every type in the target assembly and test to see if it implements the interface.