C# – Is services.AddSingleton really needed in .net core 2 API

.net coreasp.net-core-2.0asp.net-core-webapicconfiguration

I accessed appsettings.json In .NET Core 2 Web API Controller simply by adding below:

public class MyController : Controller
        private readonly IConfiguration appConfig;

        public MyController(IConfiguration configuration)
            appConfig = configuration;

Without adding below in Startup class ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) after services.AddMvc();:


Is there any flaws in my approach? In official docs for .Net Core 2 configuration section, its not mentioned to use 'AddSingleton' not even once: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/configuration

also by searching I couldn't find related content with accessing configuration!

Links below shows AddSingleton as if mandatory step:

Access appsettings.json values in controller classes


Best Answer

As the official roadmap for ASP.NET Core 2.0 says:

An IConfiguration instance will be added to the services container by default in ASP.NET Core 2.0, so that all applications can easily retrieve configuration values via the container

So services.AddSingleton<IConfiguration> (or similar) is already called by the framework itself.

You may see this behavior inside WebHostBuilder.cs file or (when using the utility extension methods) inside HostBuilder.cs file.

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