C++ – Is there way to package Tensorflow for c++ api


I've been developing c++ project using a Tensorflow c++ api. it just execute created tensorflow's graph from Python. I build it using bazel with Tensorflow code now. But I think it's inefficient way.

I want just Tensorflow library and header files, and Just compile my project only using Cmake.

I know how to build shared library.

bazel build -c opt --config=cuda //tensorflow:libtensorflow.so but this command just make a libtensorflow.so file. I can't find header files for build my project.

Is there way to package tensorflow library for c++? such as mvn package command.

Best Answer

As far as I know, there is no official distributable C++ API package. There is, however, tensorflow_cc project that builds and installs TF C++ API for you, along with convenient CMake targets you can link against. According to your description, that may be just what you need.

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