C# – Linq help – Sql trace returns result, but datacontext returning null


var adminCov = db.SearchAgg_AdminCovs.SingleOrDefault(l => l.AdminCovGuid == covSourceGuid);

adminCov keeps coming back null. When I run SQL profiler, I can see the generated linq, when I past that into management Studio, I get the result I expect.

LinqToSql generates this:

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [t0].[AdminCovGuid], [t0].[AdminPolicyId], [t0].[CertSerialNumber], [t0].[CertNumber], [t0].[PseudoInsurerCd], [t0].[SourceSystemCode], [t0].[CovSeqNumber], [t0].[RiderSeqNumber], [t0].[CovRiderIndicator], [t0].[CovCd], [t0].[AddrSeqNumber], [t0].[TransferSeqNumber], [t0].[CovStatusIndicator], [t0].[CovEffectiveDate], [t0].[CovExpirationDate], [t0].[CovCancelDate], [t0].[ClmIntegCode], [t0].[ClmNumber], [t0].[ClmCertSeqNumber], [t0].[TermNumber], [t0].[CovPaidThruDate], [t0].[BillThruDate], [t0].[BillModeCode], [t0].[BillModeDesc], [t0].[CalcModeCode], [t0].[CalcModeDesc], [t0].[Form1Name], [t0].[BenefitAmt], [t0].[CovDesc], [t0].[ProdLineDesc], [t0].[PremiumAmt], [t0].[PremiumTypeIndicator], [t0].[PremiumTypeDesc]
FROM [dbo].[SearchAgg_AdminCov] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[AdminCovGuid] = @p0',N'@p0 uniqueidentifier',@p0='D2689692-33E8-4B31-A77B-2D3A627145D4'

When I execute, I get a result. What am I missing here?
Thanks for any help,
~ck in San Diego

Best Answer

This is really good question. I had the same issue with Linq to SQL when selecting invoices in the date range. Some of them were not present in the object results while they were included in the generated SQL query result. I had some serious trouble with it because some invoices were not exported to the accounting software.

What I did was to create stored procedure and everything worked perfectly fine.

I would really like to know the true solution for this and why it happened.

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