C# Linq seeing Audit Logout after every read

clinqsql server

This is not SQL Connection Pooling and Audit Login/Logout.

I've got a C# .NET 3.5 app that updates about 30K records on SQL 2008 on a local database.

The logic is it first checks to see if the record exists SingleOrDefault(p => p.stock=stock && p.number=number) and either adds the record or updates.

I'm focusing only on the reads using SingleOrDefault.

I created the datacontext file using SQLMetal.exe.

After every read I see in SQL Profiler:
Audit Logout (1300 reads)
RPC:Completed sp_reset_connection
Audit Login
RPC:Completed sp_executesql 'select etc…'

I created a new project on another machine using 2005 and a different database but got different results.
Audit Login
RPC:Completed sp_execute sql …
RPC:Completed sp_execute sql …
RPC:Completed sp_execute sql …

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Wrapping everything in a TransactionState object solved this problem for me. For example:

using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
   // do db stuff here


Note that I did this even though I was only doing database reads.

Also note that you have to add a reference to System.Transactions to your project, if it's not there already.

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