C# – LINQ TO SQL error: An attempt has been made to Attach or Add an entity that is not new


"An attempt has been made to Attach or Add an entity that is not new, perhaps having been loaded from another DataContext. This is not supported."

I have scene a lot of solutions dealing with the Attach() method but I'm just trying to add in a new record. Not sure what is going on.

Here is my code, It is failing on the star'd line.:

                LINQDataContext datacontext = new LINQDataContext();

                TrackableItem ti = datacontext.TrackableItems.FirstOrDefault(_t => _t.pkId == obj.fkTrackableItemId);
                arcTrackableItem ati = new arcTrackableItem();
                ati.barcode = ti.barcode;
                ati.dashNumber = ti.dashNumber;
                ati.dateDown = ti.dateDown;
                ati.dateUp = ti.dateUp;
                ati.fkItemStatusId = ti.fkItemStatusId;
                ati.fkItemTypeId = ti.fkItemTypeId;
                ati.partNumber = ti.partNumber;
                ati.serialNumber = ti.serialNumber;
                ati.archiveDate = DateTime.Now;


                arcPWR aItem = new arcPWR();
                aItem.comments = obj.comments;
                aItem.fkTrackableItemId = ati.pkId;
                aItem.fkPWRStatusId = obj.fkPWRStatusId;
                aItem.PwrStatus = obj.PwrStatus;


Best Answer

Looks like obj was built using a different dataContext and that needs to be created using the same dataContext rather than instantiating a new one.

A quick solution might be to pass in a dataContext rather than instantiating a new one inside this method.