C# – Linq2Sql – Storing Complex Linq Queries for future dynamic execuction – raw text – possible


I am having a lot of fun with Linq2Sql. Expression Trees have been great, and just the standard Linq2Sql syntax has been a lot of fun.

I am now down to part of my application where I have to somehow store queries in a database, that are custom for different customers that use the same database and same tables (well, view, but you know what I mean). Basically, I cant hard-code anything, and I have to leave the query language clear text so someone can write a new where-clause type query.

So, if that description was harsh, let me clarify:

In a previous version of our application, we used to do direct SQL calls to the db using raw SQL. Yea. it was fun, dirty, and it worked. We would have a database table fulled of different criteria like

(EventType = 6 and Total > 0)

or a subquery style

(EventType = 7 
AND Exists (
    select * 
    from events as e1 
        where events.EventType = e1.EventType 
        and e1.objectNumber = 89)

(sql injection anyone?)

In Linq2Sql, this is a little more challenging. I can make all these queries no problem in the CLR, but being able to pass dynamic where criterias to Linq is a little more challenging, especially if I want to perform a sub query (like the above example).

Some ideas I had:

Get the raw expression, and store it — but I have no idea how to take the raw text expression and reverse it back to executable to object expression.

Write a SQl like language, and have it parse the code and generate Linq Expression — wow, that could be a lot of fun

I am quite sure there is no SomeIqueryable.Where("EventType = 6 and Total > 54"). I was reading that it was available in beta1, but I don't see how you can do that now.

var exp2 = context.POSDataEventView.Where("EmployeeNumber == @0", 8310); 

This would be the easiest way for me to deploy.. I think.

Store serialized Expressions — wow.. that would be confusing to a user trying to write a query — hell, I'm not sure I could even type it all out.

So, I am looking for some ideas on how I can store a query in some kind of clear text, and then execute it against my Linq2Sql objects in some fashion without calling the ExecuteSQL. I want to use the LinqObjects.

P.S. I am using pLinqo for this application if that helps. Its still linq2sql though.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Perhaps the Dynamic LINQ Library (in the MSDN samples) would help?

In particular, usage like: .Where("Category=2 And UnitPrice>3"

This should work with any IQueryable<T> source - including LINQ-to-Objects simply by calling .AsQueryable() on the sequence (typically IEnumerable<T>).