C# – Load an assembly from an embedded resource

cdllresourcesvisual studio

I would like to load a dll file (Test.dll) as an assembly. I am able to do this using both direct Visual Studio references (ie. loading the dll as a reference to my C# application) as well as loading the dll using the Assembly.LoadFile(filename) method. Now, I would like to add my dll file as an embedded resource to my Visual Studio application, and load the dll file as an assembly. I know how to load this resource as a byte array, is there some correlation between the byte array and the assembly that I could use? Furthermore, I need to be able to call a method located within the dll file. See the code below – it will further explain what I am doing.

Assembly SampleAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("WindowsFormsApplication2.ThisisaTESTDLL.dll");
Type myType = SampleAssembly.GetTypes()[0];
MethodInfo Method = myType.GetMethod("myVoid");
object myInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(myType,null);
Method.Invoke(myInstance,new object[] { "param1", "param1"});

If I am missing anything here, please respectfully let me know and I will edit the original post.

Best Answer


That should get you a Stream object. You can read a byte array from that.

You can load that using Assembly.Load