C# – Marking A Class Static in VB.NET


As just stated in a recent question and answer, you can't inherit from a static class. How does one enforce the rules that go along with static classes inside VB.NET? Since the framework is compatible between C# and VB it would make sense that there would be a way to mark a class static, but there doesn't seem to be a way.

Best Answer

Module == static class

If you just want a class that you can't inherit, use a NotInheritable class; but it won't be static/Shared. You could mark all the methods, properties, and members as Shared, but that's not strictly the same thing as a static class in C# since it's not enforced by the compiler.

If you really want the VB.Net equivalent to a C# static class, use a Module. It can't be inherited and all members, properties, and methods are static/shared.