C# – migrating an application from dotnet 2.0 to 3.5


is there any documentation on changes that i might hit when migrating an app from dotnet 2.0 to 3.5. Its my understanding that this is not really a core runtime change but rather an addition of a bunch of new libraries (LINQ, etc). Assuming i am correct, should I have to change any 2.0 code at all to compile successfully in 3.5. My of a concern than compile time breaks is anything that compiles fine but subtlely work different.

Best Answer

.NET 3.5 adds a lot of new assemblies, but the core runtime is still 2.0. Or actually it is 2.0 SP1, so in very rare cases you may see differences, but in most cases you shouldn't have to do anything.

There's a useful overview of the versions on wikipedia.