C# – More Elegant Exception Handling Than Multiple Catch Blocks?

cerror handlingexceptionnet

Using C#, is there a better way to handle multiple types of exceptions rather than a bunch of ugly catch blocks?

What is considered best practice for this type of situation?

For example:

    // Many types of exceptions can be thrown
catch (CustomException ce)
catch (AnotherCustomException ace)
catch (Exception ex)

Best Answer

In my opinion, a bunch of "ugly" catch blocks IS the best way to handle that situation.

The reason I prefer this is that it is very explicit. You are explicitly stating which exceptions you want to handle, and how they should be handled. Other forms of trying to merge handling into more concise forms lose readability in most cases.

My advice would be to stick to this, and handle the exceptions you wish to handle explicitly, each in their own catch block.