C# – Moving projects files in a .NET project


It's not code-related but IDE related. I'm working on a .NET solution with about 35 different projects. These projects need to be re-organized into a new folder structure. Why? Because about 10 of those will be removed and the rest will be divided in more logical units.
One way to do this is by creating a new solution, Drag&Drop the projects into a new folder tree within the Windows explorer and then just add them to the new solution.
To be honest, that sounds dumb!

Is there a way to just move projects into different folders from within the IDE? I've tried to "save as" the projects but the IDE won't accept a different folder.

It's irritating but because there have been a few wrong choices in folder names, I'm now stuck with those names.

Example: Right now I have a project main folder which contains child folders named "Client", "Server", "Business", "Database" and whatever more. Within those child folders, there are more child folders, each a three-digit number. Within each numbered folder there's a project which is named in some logical way, like Company.Business.Customers with additional logic within this project.
The problem is that not all projects now follow this naming convention and I consider it obsolete.
A project like Company.Business.Customers should just be in a folder named Company.Business.Customers in the project root so it's easier to recognize. The name already makes it clear that it's a business class for this project. The clear division within client classes, business classes and whatever more just needs to be arranged within the solution, but I want to flatten the file structure. (And remove some obsolete projects.) Basically, I'm not refactoring, I'm just cleaning up.
VS2008 doesn't seem to have such an option, though…

Best Answer

Fire up notepad.exe and open the .sln file. And start Windows Explorer, navigate to the solution directory. Observe how the .sln file content matches the solution structure. Edit the entries, make the corresponding change with Explorer. Backup first.