C# – Multi-threaded WebRequest calls and contention


I'm running a C# Console Application that is multi-threaded. The core process retrieves some data to work on, splits it up into a configurable number of smaller datasets, and then spawns the same number of threads to process each subset of data.

To process an individual record, a thread has to make a call to a web service using the WebRequest class and POST method. The query is sent with GetRequestStream(), and the response is retrieved with GetResponse().

In pseudo-code, the routine looks something like this:

prepare WebRequest data;
* get time (start-of-Processing);
Stream str = request.GetRequestStream();
Write data to stream;
WebResponse resp = request.GetResponse();
* get time (response-received);
process response;
finally close response stream;

Timing data suggests that when we split our data into more than 4 threads, our throughput for the process as a whole does not improve, and in some cases even drops. Timing data from the web-service maintains their performance remains constant.

  • At 4 threads, our apparent overhead
    to send the data and retrieve the
    response stream averages around a
  • When we run more than 4 threads, the
    average rises with maximum values
    encountered of tens of seconds!

Today I was able to run two separate processes, each running 4 threads (but essentially ensuring that each thread was still running on unique data). This time, we nearly doubled our overall throughput and each process had stable timing of about a second.

This leads me to believe we are hitting some kind of limitation on resources in relation to the WebRequest class; but it is a per-process limitation, not a machine limitation. I am aware that we could make our calls asynchronously with BeginGetRequestStream and BeginGetResponse, but I'm sceptical that it will have a positive impact if we are in fact hitting some kind of resource limit?!

What should I look at to enable us to raise the number of splits within the single process without the drop in performance?

Best Answer

You need to raise the number of simultaneous web requests you can make to a single host - otherwise your threads will basically be waiting for each other to finish, despite there being plenty of CPU available. The easiest way to do this is to use the <connectionManagement> element of app.config:

      <add address = "*" maxconnection = "100" />