C# – MVVM: Tutorial from start to finish


I'm a C#/Windows Forms programmer with more than 5 years experience. I've been investigating WPF using the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) design pattern. I have searched the Internet for tutorials. I have even watched the entirety of Jason Dolinger's awesome video. Although I have found many, I have not found one that takes me from start to finish. What I really want is a tutorial that doesn't assume any previous WPF knowledge.

What are your favorite WPF-MVVM tutorials that helped you to learn?

Best Answer

Your question really seems to be asking 2 questions:

  1. Where are some good tutorials on WPF, assuming I have no previous WPF experience?
  2. Where are some good tutorials on learning MVVM?

Some of these resources may be duplicated in previous answers...

Tutorials on WPF

MVVM Tutorials

Composite WPF (Prism) Resources
Though not exactly what you asked, it is the natural progression with WPF and MVVM.

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