C++ – Native C/Managed C++ Debugging

\clrcvisual studio

I have a native C Dll that calls 'LoadLibrary' to load another Dll that has the /clr flag turned on. I then use 'GetProcAddress' to get a function and call it on dynamically loaded dll. I would like to step into the dynamic library in the debugger, but the symbols never load. Any idea?

And I should have said I'm using Visual Studio 2008.

Update: Thanks to some tips below, I changed the project debugging to Mixed. It didn't work, but I think I know why. I am developing an addin to an existing application. The app I'm connecting to starts one exe then it starts another. So I have to use "Attach to process" to fire up the debugger. My guess is launching the debugger that way will default to "Auto". Is there a way to change the default behavior of VS to use "Mixed" debugging?

Best Answer

This is from VS2008, but if I remember correctly VS2005 was similar. In the native project's properties, under "Configuration Properties->Debugging" there is a "Debugger Type" which is set to "Auto" by default. You'll need to change it to "Mixed", because VS isn't smart enough to realize you need managed debugging

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