C# – .NET Class Properties – Setter with parameter


One of the nice features of .net is class Properties – wrapping gettter and setter of class field (which is private, but accessor methods are ussualy public). From outside of a class this Property looks as one field and does not flood intellisense with nomber of getters and setters.

Usual syntax is

private bool _isReadOnly;
public bool IsReadOnly
    get { return _isReadOnly; }
    set { _isReadOnly = value; }

or for implicit declaration it is

public bool IsReadOnly

This is very nice, both accessors can have even different access modifiers, eg. private setter.

My question is: does .NET support setters or getters with parameters? Like to have setter with two parameters – for example – one is value to set and other is bool which indicates something like "notify listeners about change" or "do not overwrite old value if newer value fails check" or something like that. Parameter for getter could be some option to format output or whether returned value should be clone of old etc.

Thank you. I do dot need it for any particular goal to achieve, so no need to post workarounds, i just wonder if there is something like this in .net Property.

Best Answer

VB.NET supports parameters on properties.

C# doesn't.