C# – NHibernate QueryOver with Restrictions


I am new to NHibernate and trying to use the QueryOver. I have the following NHibernate query

var departments = session
   .Where(Restrictions.On<Department>x=> x.Parent.Id).IsIn(new List<int> {100}))

I have a single value to pass into IsIn and for that I have to new up a list (new List<int> {100})). Is there a more cleaner way of doing this?

Best Answer

Your syntax is ok, and only few changes or improvements can be done... here they are:

IList<Department> departments;
var parents = new List<int> {167};

// advantage of this "original" QueryOver is, that it can accept
// more parent IDs.. not only one "100" as in our example
// so if we neet children of 100,101,102
// we can get more from this syntax: new List<int> {100, 101,102...};
departments = session
    .Where(Restrictions.On<Department>( x=> x.Parent.Id)

// this style is just a bit more straightforward 
// saving few chars of code, using 'WhereRestrictionOn'
departments = session
    .WhereRestrictionOn(x => x.Parent.Id).IsIn(parents)

// in case we do have the only one parent ID to search for
// we do not have to use the IS IN
departments = session
    .Where(x => x.Parent.Id == 100)

See more: 16.2. Simple Expressions

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