C# – No EditorOptionDefinition Export Found Error


In Visual Studio 2013 I started getting the following error when trying to open C# files:

No EditorOptionDefinition export found for the given option name:
Parameter name: optionID

I was having no issues all morning until I closed and re-opened a C# solution I was working on when this error started. I checked and this error happens when I open any C# project on this computer. I also tried opening the same project from my other computer and it works fine, so this is not a project error.

I have not changed any VS settings, and I was just trying to open the package manager when this presented itself.

I am at a loss and Dr. Google is not of much help thus far.

Best Answer

After a reboot and some more research I found this post from a blog. The error described is not the same error I am seeing, however, it was close enough to warrant a try.

Follow the steps:

  1. Close Visual Studio
  2. Open the folder: %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\ (in C:\users\'%userName%'\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\)
  3. Rename the ComponentModelCache folder
  4. Restart Visual Studio.

Visual studio will recreate the folder and all will be well with the world (or at least VS). I love a simple solution, and I hope its of use to anybody else who runs into this issue!