C++ – ‘No Valid Kits Found’ in Qt Creator


I am installing Qt 5.5 on a new machine, and I ran into this exact same issue last time I set up my environment, but I completely forgot how I fixed it and have been working on it for hours. I've looked at questions on SO here, and a few other places, but none of them solve the issue for me.

I am running on OS X, and the fact that I ran into this problem the last time I installed it makes me think this is a surprisingly common issue for just trying to start a new project.

Anyone solved this problem on Mac before?

Best Answer

This happend for me because during the install on the versions page there is a tickbox stating (Use latest releases). As this seemed like a reasonable default I proceeded. This actually installed no Qt versions. So there were no kits installed. Hence this error during first use.

The problem is due to not making a selection in the list on the right, and can be remediend by running (Mac OS) ~/Qt/MaintenanceTool.app which will run through windows similar to the installation process. Select a Qt version on the page shown here.

Qt Version Selection Screen