C# non-blocking socket without while(true) loop


I'm just trying to make some socket programming, using non-blocking sockets in c#.
The various samples that i've found, such as this, seems to use a while(true) loop, but this approach causes the cpu to burst at 100%.
Is there a way to use non-blocking sockets using a event programming style?

Best Answer

See the MSDN example here. The example shows how to receive data asynchronously. You can also use the Socket BeginSend/EndSend methods to send data asynchronously.

You should note that the callback delegate executes in the context of a ThreadPool thread. This is important if the data received inside the callback needs to be shared with another thread, e.g., the main UI thread that displays the data in a Windows form. If so, you will need to synchronized access to the data using the lock keyword, for example.

As you've noticed, with nonblocking sockets and a while loop, the processor is pegged at 100%. The asynchronous model will only invoke the callback delegate when there is data to send or receive.

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