C# – ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected DATE got NUMBER


I am using Oracle Data Access from .net and my query is as

command.CommandText = "select * from table1 where expirydate =:EXPIRYDATE";
command.Parameters.Add("EXPIRYDATE", OracleDbType.Date, DateTime.Today,ParameterDirection.Input);

var results = command.ExecuteScalar();

I get the following error " ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected DATE got NUMBER"

If I change my query to:

command.CommandText ="select * from table1 where expirydate =

I get no results.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Most likely reason for this error is that the order of the parameters in your query does not match the order you add them to the Parameters collection. Oracle Data Access pretends to bind them by name, but actually binds them by order.