C++ – Out of memory (?) problem on Win32 (vs. Linux)


I have the following problem:

A program run on a windows machine (32bit, 3.1Gb memory, both VC++2008 and mingw compiled code) fails with a bad_alloc exception thrown (after allocating around 1.2Gb; the exception is thrown when trying to allocate a vector of 9 million doubles, i.e. around 75Mb) with plenty of RAM still available (at least according to task manager).

The same program run on linux machines (32bit, 4Gb memory; 32bit, 2Gb memory) runs fine with peak memory usage of around 1.6Gb. Interestingly the win32 code generated by mingw run on the 4Gb linux machine under wine also fails with a bad_alloc, albeit at a different (later) place then when run under windows…

What are the possible problems?

  • Heap fragmentation? (How would I know? How can this be solved?)
  • Heap corruption? (I have run the code with pageheap.exe enabled with no errors reported; implemented vector access with bounds checking — again no errors; the code is essentially free of pointers, only std::vectors and std::lists are used. Running
    the program under Valgrind (memcheck) consumes too much memory and ends prematurely, but does not find any errors)
  • Out of memory??? (There should be enough memory)

Moreover, what could be the reason that the windows version fails while the
linux version works (and even on machines with less memory)? (Also note that
the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE linker flag is used with VC+2008 if that can have any effect)

Any ideas would be much appreciated, I am at my wits end with this… 🙁

Best Answer

It has nothing to do with how much RAM is in your system. You are running out of virtual address space. For a 32 bit windows OS process, you get a 4GB virtual address space (irrespective of how much RAM you are using) out of 2GB for the user-mode (3GB in case of LARGEADDRESSAWARE) and 2 GB for kernel. When you do try to allocate memory using new, OS will try to find the contiguos block of virtual memory which is large enough to satisfy the memory allocation request. If your virtual address space is badly fragmented or you are asking for a huge block of memory then it will fail throwing a bad_alloc exception. Check how much virtual memory your process is using.