C# – Performance of ReceiveAsync vs. BeginReceive


I'm currently programming a client application and I'm wondering whether I should use the Socket class' ReceiveAsync or BeginReceive method. I have been using the latter so far, however, I found that it seems to stress the CPU quite a bit. Here is what my receive loop basically looks like:

private void socket_ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult result_)
    // does nothing else at the moment
    byte[] buffer = (byte[])result_.AsyncState;

    // receive new packet
    byte[] newBuffer = new byte[1024];
    socket.BeginReceive(newBuffer, 0, newBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, 
                        socket_ReceiveFallback, newBuffer);

Now I've been wondering if I am doing something wrong here, since other applications that communicate hardly stress the CPU at all. And also I'm wondering if I would be better off with using SocketAsyncEventArgs and ReceiveAsync.

So here are my questions:

Why is my loop stressing the CPU so much?
Should I use SocketAsyncEventArgs and ReceiveAsync instead of BeginReceive?

Best Answer

I have been benchmarking synchronous vs. asynchronous socket on on a localhost loopback connection. My results were that the asynchronous version was about 30% slower. That was surprising to me considering that async IO is all the rage now. It didn't matter how many threads I used. I could use 128 threads and still synchronous IO was faster.

The reason for that is, I believe, that async IO requires more allocations and more kernel mode transitions.

So you could just switch to synchronous IO, if you don't expect hundreds of simultaneous connections.

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