C# – PFX Self Signed x509 Certificate with password secure


After looking at how to generate self-signed digital signatures from Creating a self-signed certificate in C#, I can call CreateSelfSignCertificatePfx and get PXF data in a byte array back, which can then be used within an X509Certificate2 object to sign and verify. Example…

byte[] pfx = Certificate.CreateSelfSignCertificatePfx("O=Company,CN=Firstname,SN=Lastname", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddYears(1), "password");

X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(pfx, "password");
byte[] publicBytes = cert.RawData;

RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)cert.PrivateKey;
byte[] signedData = rsa.SignData(new System.Text.UTF8Encoding().GetBytes("Test"), new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider());

RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa2 = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)new X509Certificate2(publicBytes).PublicKey.Key;

bool verified = rsa2.VerifyData(new System.Text.UTF8Encoding().GetBytes("Test"), new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), signedData);

This works. My concern though is the original bytes, byte[] pfx from above, need to be stored in a DB (to sign stuff). The question becomes, how secure are the bytes in this format? I know you need the password to construct the new X509Certificate2 with a private key, but in a general sense, how secure are the bytes without the password? I have no problems encrypting these bytes as an added layer, but is that necessary?

According to X509Certificate2.X509Certificate2(Byte[], String) Constructor

Calling this constructor with the correct password decrypts the private key and saves it to a key container.

I just want to ensure the private key is safe without the password.

Best Answer

In my eyes the question is not whether you should put the "bytes" in the database, but more, would you put the file with the private key in your file system.

In the way you're doing it, it's essentially the same thing. You're just storing the bytes that make up the cert file.

I may be failing to understand the difference here, but they bytes and the file are essentially the same thing, the only difference being the fact that one has to gain access to the db to get them.

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