C# – Porting ASP.NET application to Mono/Apache under Linux


I've got a relatively small ASP.NET project that was written using C# 4.0.

I was wondering if anybody had managed to port such a project over to running under a webserver on Linux, the latest information I can find appears to only have support for ASP.Net 2.0 – Configuring and running Mono ASP.NET 3.5 (AJAX.NET) on Linux computers

The project uses LINQ-to-SQL for the entire data access layer, and I know Mono itself support LINQ, so I thought it stands to reason that it should work.

I just want to know if it's a complete waste of time or not before starting.


Best Answer

I run an ASP.NET 4.0 application on Suse Linux using mono. My experience with mono is that it just works. My app is ~ 15.000 LOC and uses third party components like mongo-csharp-driver, lucene.net, elmah, munq, and sphorium.webdavserver.

I've had almost no compatibility problems during development - and the ones I had where easily worked out (for example sphorium accesses the registry; this obviously works different on Linux/Mono). I've even started developing with Visual Studio instaed of MonoDevelop and without the Mono plugin, because Visual Studio is a better IDE, and it just works when I compile my web app on linux and deploy it on Apache (even though I develop with .NET on Windows).

I've written a short blogpost on getting started with the setup

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