C# – Programmatically assign the permission to a registry subkey


Here is how we manually assign the permissions to a registry key:

To assign permissions to a registry key

  • Open Registry Editor. Click the key to which you want to assign permissions.

  • On the Edit menu, click Permissions.

  • Assign an access level to the selected key as follows:

  • To grant the user permission to read the key contents, but not save
    any changes made to the file, under Permissions for name, for Read,
    select the Allow check box.

  • To grant the user permission to open, edit, and take ownership of the
    selected key, under Permissions for name, for Full Control, select
    the Allow check box.

  • To grant the user special permission in the selected key, click

So my question is, would it be possible to do it programmatically? Say, if I want to grant Users full control permission on a particular subkey, how should I write the code in C#? Thanks very much.

Best Answer

Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key;
key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine;
RegistrySecurity rs = new RegistrySecurity();
rs = key.GetAccessControl();
string currentUserStr = Environment.UserDomainName + "\\" + Environment.UserName;
    new RegistryAccessRule(
        | RegistryRights.ReadKey 
        | RegistryRights.Delete 
        | RegistryRights.FullControl, 

This will assign the access rights to the specified user to the registry key 'key'