C# – Programmatically load User Control in code-behind registered in web.config


Is it possible to load a User Control that was registered in the web.config file, rather than in the aspx file?

Here is an example of what I would do. In my aspx:


<%@ Register TagPrefix="module" TagName="ModExample" Src="~/controls/example.ascx" %>


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    controls_example exmp = LoadContent("controls/example.ascx") as controls_example;

I had to register my user control in the page, or else ASP would not know what "controls_example" was. However, I know you can change your web.config to look like this:

                <add tagPrefix="module" tagName="ModExample" src="~/controls/contentModule.ascx"/>
                <add assembly="Subtext.Web.Controls" namespace="Subtext.Web.Controls" tagPrefix="module"/>

So, here is the problem. How do I create a variable of type "controls_example" when it has been registered in the web.config file?

Do I need to:

  • add a "using namespace"?
  • change/add something in my web.config?
  • not define what the datatype of the variable is? (I would love to avoid this)
  • something else?

Best Answer

Your web.config looks fine. In the page you need to add a using with the namespace of your control. Then you can use the page's LoadControl method to get an instance of your control that you can then add as a child control to some container (I usually choose a asp:Placeholder to ensure its position is where I want it)

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