C# – Programmatically setting field value for sharepoint listitem


I'm trying to simply add a simple text or hyperlink field to a list item in sharepoint 2007.

I can add the field no problem:

list.Fields.Add("MyField",SPFieldType.Text, false);

And it shows up fine on my list items.
However no matter which way I try, I can't programmatically set a value for the field. I tried:

list.items[0]["MyField"] = "text";

and I tried loading into a field:

SPField field = list.items[0].Fields["MyField"];

and setting it there, and setting the default value and updating, but nothing what so ever happens.

I always finish my code blocks with list.update(); or if I'm operating on the item itself item.update(); so I'm not at least missing that. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


Best Answer


SPListItem item = list.items[0];
item["MyField"] = "text";

Although it seems equivalent, the above code is not the same as:

list.items[0]["MyField"] = "text";

For more information, see here and here for people who have documented the same behavior.