C# – Put linq to sql results into hierarchical structure for using in a un-ordered list ( for jquery tree )


I have 5 tables in a L2S Classes dbml : Global >> Categories >> Sub-Category >> Item >> Item Data. I want to be able to navigate from the Global table down a tree like structure to get to the items – displaying the title from the Item Data table.

I have an existing control that uses a IHierarchyData / IHierarchicalEnumerable extended collection by iterating over the collection to output an un-ordered list which I then turn into a tree with jquery. I did it based on Return Un-Ordered List from hierarchical sql data

Is there an easy generic way that I could use to put the data from the above table structure into a a Hierarchical structure so that I could re-use my existing control and and just pass in a different collection.

Best Answer

Have you tried Nested Listviews? I have implemented this solution in several pages. I use ObjectDataSources instead of LinqDataSources directly to keep my data logic separate, but the nested EntitySets work beautifully.