C++ – Qt Creator not showing .ui changes when run


Similar to this question: Qt Creator: Design changes not showing when run

I cannot make a simple change in the UI and then see it when I run. I've tried adding a dummy label and push button. No matter how much I edit the MainWindow.ui file, I can not get the UI to change. The ui_MainWindow.h file also does not change. It seems like whatever is supposed to generate that file is not being run.

I've tried cleaning before I run. I've tried unchecking the 'Shadow build' option under Projects >> Build & Run >> General >> Shadow build checkbox and then restarting Qt Creator. I've tried restarting my PC and then testing. That damn ui_xxx file will not update!

Host OS: Windows 7, 64b
Qt Creator version: 3.0.1 based on QT 5.2.1 (MSVC 2010, 32 bit), built on Jan 31 2014

Best Answer

One reason for this buggy behavior is the Shadow build checkbox is enabled. Click on the "Project" icon in the Qt creator, under Build-> General, uncheck Shadow build. Rebuild again and run.