C# – Question concerning asp:listview and multiple dynamically created controls


I have a listview that displays a list of textboxes that get created on a button click. I would also like a label to be created next to each txtbox that would increment what is says from step x: to step x+1:

Do I need to create another listview control for this, or is there a much easier way (which I hope)?

Here is the current web code for my listview:

<tr align="center" valign="middle">
        <asp:ListView ID="lvDynamicTextboxes" runat="server" ItemPlaceholderID="itemPlaceholder" onitemdatabound="lvDynamicTextboxes_ItemDataBound">
                <asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceholder" runat="server" />
                <asp:Label ID="lblStep" runat="server" Text="Step 1:" />
                <asp:TextBox ID="txtStep" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="3" Width="300" style="margin-top:10px;" />

        <br /><asp:Button ID="btnAddNewStep" runat="server" Text="Add another step" onclick="btnAddNewStep_Click" style="margin-top:5px;" />

And here is the code-behind

protected void btnAddNewStep_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )

private void BindListView()
    //create an enumerable range based on the current count
    List< string > dataSource = this.GetDataSource();

    //bind the listview
    this.lvDynamicTextboxes.DataSource = dataSource;

private void IncrementTextboxCount()
    List< string > dataSource = this.GetDataSource();

    dataSource.Add( string.Empty );
    this.SetDataSource( dataSource );

private List< string > GetDataSource()
    List< string > dataSource = null;

    if ( ViewState[ "DataSource" ] != null )
        dataSource = ( List< string > )ViewState[ "DataSource" ];
        dataSource = new List< string >();
        dataSource.Add( string.Empty );
        ViewState[ "DataSource" ] = dataSource;

    return dataSource;

private void UpdateDataSource()
    List< string > dataSource = new List< string >();

    foreach ( ListViewItem item in this.lvDynamicTextboxes.Items )
        if ( item is ListViewDataItem )
            TextBox txt = (TextBox)item.FindControl( "txtStep" );
            dataSource.Add( txt.Text );

    this.SetDataSource( dataSource );

protected void lvDynamicTextboxes_ItemDataBound( object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e )
    if ( e.Item is ListViewDataItem )
        TextBox txt = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl( "txtStep" );
        txt.Text = ( (ListViewDataItem)e.Item ).DataItem.ToString();

private void SetDataSource( List< string > dataSource )
    ViewState[ "DataSource" ] = dataSource;


Since there seems to be a bit of confusion, I'll try to clarify:

As of now, I have a textbox in a listview with a button underneath.

| txtbox |

When you click a button, it generates another text box, so clicking it twice results in this:

| txtbox |
| txtbox |
| txtbox |

These textboxes are to create steps in a process, so all I would like to do is add a generated label next to each generated textbox to say which step it is. So I want it to look like this:

["Step 1"]    | txtbox |
["Step 2"]    | txtbox |
["Step 3"]    | txtbox |

And if they click the button again, then another label is generated with the text "Step 4"

Best Answer

Looks like you've got all the code you need... just missing one thing... add a private class variable that gets set to 0 on Page_Load. Then increment it in your ItemDataBound to get the current step number. Then call FindControl for your label, just like for the text box... and change lblStep.Text to "Step X". Nothin' to it.

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