C# – Refactoring class to get rid of switch case


Say I have a class like this for calculating the cost of travelling different distances with different modes of transportation:

public class TransportationCostCalculator
    public double DistanceToDestination { get; set; }

    public decimal CostOfTravel(string transportMethod)
        switch (transportMethod)
            case "Bicycle":
                return (decimal)(DistanceToDestination * 1);
            case "Bus":
                return (decimal)(DistanceToDestination * 2);
            case "Car":
                return (decimal)(DistanceToDestination * 3);
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

This is fine and all, but switch cases can be a nightmare to maintenance wise, and what if I want to use airplane or train later on? Then I have to change the above class. What alternative to a switch case could I use here and any hints to how?

I'm imagining using it in a console application like this which would be run from the command-line with arguments for what kind of transportation vehicle you want to use, and the distance you want to travel:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        if(args.Length < 2)
            Console.WriteLine("Not enough arguments to run this program");
            var transportMethod = args[0];
            var distance = args[1];
            var calculator = new TransportCostCalculator { DistanceToDestination = double.Parse(distance) };
            var result = calculator.CostOfTravel(transportMethod);

Any hints greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

You could do something like this:

public class TransportationCostCalculator {
    Dictionary<string,double> _travelModifier;

        _travelModifier = new Dictionary<string,double> ();

        _travelModifier.Add("bicycle", 1);
        _travelModifier.Add("bus", 2);
        _travelModifier.Add("car", 3);

    public decimal CostOfTravel(string transportationMethod) =>
       (decimal) _travelModifier[transportationMethod] * DistanceToDestination;

You could then load the transportation type and it's modifier in a configuration file instead of using a switch statement. I put it in the constructor to show the example, but it could be loaded from anywhere. I would also probably make the Dictionary static and only load it once. There is no need to keep populating it each time you create a new TransportationCostCalculator especially if it isn't going to change during runtime.

As noted above, here is how you could load it by a configuration file:

void Main()
  // By Hard coding. 
    TransportationCostCalculator.AddTravelModifier("bicycle", 1);
    TransportationCostCalculator.AddTravelModifier("bus", 2);
    TransportationCostCalculator.AddTravelModifier("car", 3);
    //By File 
    //assuming file is: name,value
    .ToList().ForEach(line =>
           var parts = line.Split(',');
            (parts[0], Double.Parse(parts[1]));


public class TransportationCostCalculator {
    static Dictionary<string,double> _travelModifier = 
         new Dictionary<string,double> ();

    public static void AddTravelModifier(string name, double modifier)
        if (_travelModifier.ContainsKey(name))
            throw new Exception($"{name} already exists in dictionary.");

        _travelModifier.Add(name, modifier);

    public double DistanceToDestination { get; set; }

        _travelModifier = new Dictionary<string,double> ();

    public decimal CostOfTravel(string transportationMethod) =>
       (decimal)( _travelModifier[transportationMethod] * DistanceToDestination);

Edit: It was mentioned in the comments that this wouldn't allow the equation to be modified if it ever needed to change without updating the code, so I wrote up a post about how to do it here: http://structuredsight.com/2016/03/07/configuring-logic.