C# – Rename project output before being included into Setup project

cinstallationsetup-projectvisual studiovisual-studio-2008

I have an exe that is built and placed into a Setup project for deployment.
I want to rename the exe that is produced (to a .scr file – it is a screensaver) before inclusion in the setup project. How do I do this?

I know I could rename the file in a post install process but I don't want to do it this way, I want the file to be renamed before inclusion into the setup project

Any help would be great thanks
I am using Visual Studio 2008 and the program is written in C#


Best Answer

You could add the rename command as a post build event on the project (the project that builds the exe, not the setup project).

Right click on the project and go to "properties". Then in the tabs on the left hand side choose "Build Events".

In the post build command line box you can enter your rename command. If you click on the edit button there are some helper macros that you'll find useful for including the build output/project directories in your command line.