C# – requestvalidationmode=”2.0″ validaterequest=”false” in web.config not working


I'm looking for a bit of help as this is now driving me crazy.

I have a tinyMCE text editor on my page which is populated with content which is already stored in the database as html.

<p>first paragraph</p>
<p>second paragraph</p>

etc, etc with no problems there.

but when I make a change in the editor and then try to update the content in the database I get the error
potentially dangerous request.form value was detected from the client

I made all the recommended changes in the web.config

  • requestvalidationmode="2.0"
  • validaterequest="false"

But still get the potentially dangerous request.form value was detected from the client error.
This is happening in .NET 4.0 any help/advice would be great.

Best Answer

I wouldn't even try to enable this on a site-wide level in the web.config file - just do it per page, when you know specifically input data is safe:

<%@ Page ... ValidateRequest="false" %>

You can use an Umbraco control exposed specifically for this purpose from within a Template as such:

<umbraco:DisableRequestValidation runat="server" />