C# – Select Single Value with ADO.Net Data Services and LINQ


Trying my hand at ADO.Net data services. All the examples shows how to retrieve lists but how would you go about retrieving a single value? e.g. Product X's Price.

Here is the LINQ query i use:

var qry = (from p in
where p.ProductName == "Chair"
&& p.Colour == 1
select c) as DataServiceQuery;

Product returnedProd;

(pr) => returnedProd = qry.EndExecute(pr).First(), null);

Here i try to retrieve the product and load it into a local variable, but the local var stays null.

Pretty sure, i'm doing it completely wrong :)…any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

It's not suppose to be

var qry = (from p in svcContext.Products where p.ProductName == "Chair" && p.Colour == 1 select p) where did you declare the c ?