C# – Send values from one form to another form


I want to pass values between two Forms (c#). How can I do it?

I have two forms: Form1 and Form2.

Form1 contains one button. When I click on that button, Form2 should open and Form1 should be in inactive mode (i.e not selectable).

Form2 contains one text box and one submit button. When I type any message in Form2's text box and click the submit button, the Form2 should close and Form1 should highlight with the submitted value.

How can i do it? Can somebody help me to do this with a simple example.

Best Answer

There are several solutions to this but this is the pattern I tend to use.

// Form 1
// inside the button click event
using(Form2 form2 = new Form2()) 
    if(form2.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) 
        someControlOnForm1.Text = form2.TheValue;


// Inside Form2
// Create a public property to serve the value
public string TheValue 
    get { return someTextBoxOnForm2.Text; }
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