C# – SerialPort data loss – C#


I'm working on a SerialPort app and one very simple part of it is giving me issues. I simply want to read a constant stream of data from the port and write it out to a binary file as it comes in. The problem seems to be speed: my code has worked fine on my 9600 baud test device, but when carried over to the 115200bps live device, I seem to be losing data. What happens is after a variable period of time, I miss 1 byte which throws off the rest of the data. I've tried a few things:

private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)


private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
    byte[] inc = new byte[serialPort1.BytesToRead];
    serialPort1.Read(inc, 0, inc.Length);


and a few variations. I can't use ReadLine() as I am working with a constant stream of data (right?). I've tried fiddling with the buffer size (both serialPort1.ReadBufferSize and the hardware FIFO buffer). Ideally, for usability purposes, I'd handle this on the software side and not make the user have to change Windows driver settings.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

If the problem seems to be that you can't process the data fast enough, what you could try would be to double-buffer your data.

1) Allow one thread to read the serial port into one buffer. This may involve copying data off the port into the buffer (i'm not intimately familiar with .NET).

2) When you are ready to handle the incoming data, (on a different thread) make your program read into the 2nd buffer, and while this is happening you should write the first buffer to disk.

3) When the first buffer is written to disk, swap it back to the serial port buffer, and write the 2nd buffer to disk. Repeat process, continually swapping the buffers.

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