C# – Server returns blank pages with asp.net 3.5 on IIS6


I have a problem with site deployed on IIS6 sever. Here the problem, when I first deploy asp.net 3.5 site to server (site is relatively small with 5 pages and 5 libraries in bin), it is works as expected. But after some period of time (~1h) server returns black pages instead of expected content:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></HEAD>

First my idea was that my site conflicts with other .net 2.0 sites that hosted in the same server, so I put my site into dedicated pool but without success. First time site works, then no. There is no errors or something like that in iis logs. And I do not use ClearError() method in my site.

I have found similar question here (I’m getting blank pages instead of error messages using classic ASP, IIS6 and WinServer 2003 R2), but it is for classic ASP.

Also several topics at ASP.NET:

But this solutions also not help me. For example when I replace web.config with new one, or replace one of the required assemblies with rebuilded one, I have the same result. First time site works, then – black pages.

From what I see, I think that this is kind of configuration problem, but I completely stunned right now, because I've tried everything and now I lack any ideas, so help is very appreciated.

Best Answer

I have just had exactly the same problem with IIS 7.5.

I tried uninstalling IIS multiple times, changing configuration etc., but nothing seemed to do any difference. I followed all the guides available - still nothing.

What I ended up doing, was completely removing IIS and all related files and configuration (except registry settings):

  • Uninstall IIS via Add/Remove Programs > Turn Windows Features on or off
  • Rebooted
  • Removed the directory including all files: c:\inetpub
  • Removed the folder inkluding all files: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv
  • Reinstalled IIS via Add/Remove Programs > Turn Windows Features on or off

Finally it worked. Hope someone else will benefit from this :)

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