C# – Shared DataSet Over Multiple Forms C#


So im working on a database project, in my first form i have sql connection command which accesses my datasource. Ive also created a dataset this is all in my displayform

The displayform is used for displaying the database, i've added a button to add records, so when i click on add records it would go to the addform where i can fill in the details to creating a new contact. Then go back to the first form to display the newly created contact and all others.

However i'm having a bit of a problem as the dataset needs to be the same as the one in the display form.

How can i make the dataset be the same across all my forms?


So what ive done is in my Program.cs ive created the objects there… and made them public static.

public static DataSet ds = new DataSet();

so then in my addcontact form i can call it like this…


Same with my dataadaptor/bindingsource and sql connection. Is this ok to do?

Best Answer

Create a dataset class add pass in through the constructor to every form.. A "Class = Class" makes a reference .. not a copy. ( DataSet is a Class... )

public partial class Form1 : Form
DataSet _dataset;

public Form1(DataSet dataSet)
    _dataset = dataset;

public partial class Form2 : Form
DataSet _dataset;

public Form2(DataSet dataSet)
    _dataset = dataset;

static class Program
    static void Main()
        DataSet DS = new DataSet();

        Application.Run(new Form1(DS));
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