C# – Sharepoint – Filtering lists by userid via CAML


Using Sharepoint 2007 and trying to filter a list of items by a field called StudentName:

DisplayName="Student Name"

Currently, this is the CAML used to filter, when its run through U2U CAML Query Builder, it returns the correct list items without a problem, however when its deployed to SharePoint, it returns the entire list (i.e. no filtering).

SPQuery userQuery = new SPQuery();
userQuery.Query = "<OrderBy>
<FieldRef Name='Rank'>
        <FieldRef Name='StudentName' LookupId='TRUE' />
        <Value Type='Integer'><UserID /></Value>

SPListItemCollection userProjectBasket = PBL.GetItems(userQuery);

I've tried it with and without Query tags, to no avail and i've also changed the type of the userID to User as a last resort, still no joy.

Very stumped, so any input warmly welcomed. Thanks.

Best Answer

The OrderBy caluse needs to come after the Where clause:

userQuery.Query = 
        <FieldRef Name='StudentName' LookupId='TRUE' />
        <Value Type='Integer'><UserID /></Value>
    <FieldRef Name='Rank'/>
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