C++ – Sharing static variables across files: namespace vs class


There are a lot of questions about static vs global here but I think my question is a bit different.

I want to know if there is a way to share a variable placed in a namespace across files the way static variables in a class can.

For example, I coded this:

class Foo
  static int code;
  static int times_two(int in_);

namespace bar
  static int kode;

int Foo::code = 0;

int Foo::times_two(int in_)
  return 2*in_;

int main()
  cout << "Foo::code = " << Foo::code << endl;

  for(int i=2; i < 6; i++)
    cout << "2 x " << i << " = " << Foo::times_two(i) << endl;
    cout << "Foo::code = " << Foo::code << endl;
    cout << "bar::kode = " << bar::kode << endl;

    if(i == 3)

All that yielded this for code and kode:

Foo::code = 1,2,3,4
bar::kode = 0,0,1,1

Once again, is there a way to share a variable placed in a namespace across files the way static variables in a class can? The reason I ask is because I thought I would be able to shield myself from confliciting global variables by using :: notation, and just found out I could not. And like any self-disrespecting programmer, I believe I am doing it wrong.

Best Answer


namespace bar
  extern int kode;

Outside of a class or struct, static has a whole different meaning. It gives a symbol internal linkage. So if you declare the same variable as static, you will actually get a different copy for all translation units, not a unique global.

Note that you'll need to initialize the variable once:

namespace bar
   int kode = 1337;