C++ – Simple client/server, TCP/IP encrypting the message stream, SSL (C++)


Basically my question is the exact same one as this:

Simple client/server, TCP/IP encrypting the message stream, SSL

The difference is that I need this for pure C++, not .NET. I cannot use 3rd party libraries, so unless it's a Windows system component (like the above) I need something with source so I can get the generel idea and build it myself.

Thanks 🙂

Quoting the other question for reference:

"Writing a little TCP/IP client server
app. Basically it creates a server,
and then you can create several
different clients and set up a bit of
a chat session. What I am wondering is
there is any way to incorporate, using
standard .net libraries some form of

m_mainSocket = new
SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

Is there any way of speficying tcp
using rsa?

Or would you (me that is) have to
write some custom libaries to do key
exchange and then encrypt the
subsequent chat messages? I have done
that before for uni but that was in
java but I know it would'nt be hard to
convert them. Just trying not to have
to reinvent the wheel…

Or what about utilising a ssl?

Thanks, Ron."

Best Answer

Have you considered using the ASIO library? think-async dot com/Asio/

There is an example specifically for an SSL based client/server. http://think-async.com/Asio/asio-1.4.1/doc/asio/examples.html#asio.examples.ssl

Its as "pure c++" as you can get.

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