C# – Solution doesnt run/build/rebuild in Visual Studio

cmsbuildvisual studio

When trying to run Build / Rebuild in Visual Studio on a solution, nothing happens.

I can run the build from the command prompt using MSbuild.exe, and this gives me the output i would expect (Build succeeded) – But when trying to run it from visual studio, nothing happens. Theres no debug output or build output either.

The project is a MVC project, with some references to other projects.

I can create a new MVC project, and it runs just fine!

Any idea what might trigger this behavior?

Using Visual Studio 2015.

I Have tried the following:

  • Restarting VS
  • Comparing the solution file to a new solution file
  • Triggering build manually from MSBuild (OK)
  • Switching Debug / Release configuration
  • Building projects individually
  • Updated NuGet
  • Build Configuration is OK (Everything checked for Build)

That beeing said, the solution is inside a git repository, and the other person working on this project has entered at a later stage with Visual Studio 2013 – But i dont know if this has anything to do with the issue.

Best Answer

Go to your configuration Manager and make sure build checkbox is selected for your project.

other thing you can try is: Go to tools > Options>> A window will pop up> Under Project and Solutions > select Build and Run

Make sure Before building is set to Save all changes