C# – Specifying a custom DateTime format when serializing with Json.Net


I am developing an API to expose some data using ASP.NET Web API.

In one of the API, the client wants us to expose the date in yyyy-MM-dd format. I don't want to change the global settings (e.g. GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter) for that since it is very specific to this client. And I do developing that in a solution for multiple clients.

One of the solution that I could think of is to create a custom JsonConverter and then put that to the property I need to do the custom formatting


class ReturnObjectA 
    public DateTime ReturnDate { get;set;}

Just wondering if there is some other easy way of doing that.

Best Answer

You are on the right track. Since you said you can't modify the global settings, then the next best thing is to apply the JsonConverter attribute on an as-needed basis, as you suggested. It turns out Json.Net already has a built-in IsoDateTimeConverter that lets you specify the date format. Unfortunately, you can't set the format via the JsonConverter attribute, since the attribute's sole argument is a type. However, there is a simple solution: subclass the IsoDateTimeConverter, then specify the date format in the constructor of the subclass. Apply the JsonConverter attribute where needed, specifying your custom converter, and you're ready to go. Here is the entirety of the code needed:

class CustomDateTimeConverter : IsoDateTimeConverter
    public CustomDateTimeConverter()
        base.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd";

If you don't mind having the time in there also, you don't even need to subclass the IsoDateTimeConverter. Its default date format is yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.FFFFFFFK (as seen in the source code).